One easy way to simplify your life

You may have heard about the Marie Kondo trend of decluttering. What is it and why has it become so popular? How can you get onboard and simplify your life?


Understand why we declutter

Decluttering is the act of getting rid of items that we no longer use and better organising the ones we do. Holding onto belongings that don’t serve a purpose, simply take up space and make it harder to find the things we want to use. The decluttering movement has swept the world because, in an age where we can buy practically whatever we wish to, the tendency is to over-purchase.


Start small

You don’t have to re-organise your entire life in a day. Start with a small achievable task, such as your sock drawer or your office desk drawer. Only keep the items that you use or as Marie Kondo says, ‘spark joy.’ Once you tackle one area, you are sure to be motivated to keep going! You can find homes for the items you no longer want by donating or selling them.


Keeping your life decluttered

To keep your decluttered lifestyle going, really give thought to what you purchase and acquire going forward. Ask yourself if you really need those new shoes or another bottle of shampoo. In the workplace, the same applies. You don’t need to keep using new stationery every time you misplace a pen. Once you get organised, you will be able to access your supplies more efficiently and therefore require less of them. Not only is this going to give you a sense of satisfaction, but it also saves money and the environment.


Decluttering is a simple way to bring order into your life. It doesn’t require money or even hours and hours of your time. It’s something that can be done bit by bit and in small, manageable steps.