3 ways to greatly improve your resume

ASK THE TEAM: Business Manager, Alicia Lyell shares 3 ways you can greatly improve your resume:



Different roles and industries will have different resume requirements. For example, a sales role will require you to highlight key accomplishments with figures. A creative role will require you to demonstrate your creative flair. Research the role you are applying for what you need to showcase in your resume.

If changing careers/industries/level of responsibility – research what is required for the role you are applying for and highlight your transferrable skills and experience.



It may sound basic but forgetting to include your contact details can make it very hard for recruiters to contact you. Also, while you may not be able to list the exact dates you commenced or ceased in a role, it is important to include months and years wherever possible to demonstrate longevity of employment and your level of experience.

Finally, don’t assume the recruiter or HR officer will know what you did in your day-to-day job or what a particular acronym means, be specific and explain where possible.


Some roles are specific to a particular company or industry – if this is the case, it is important to highlight what was involved in your role. For example, a team leader in one company may have a lot more responsibility than another.

Use a template or format that is simple to understand or follow. Programs like Microsoft Word have templates that you can use but be sure to take out sections or text that you don’t use that give away that you have used a template, such as ‘ENTER YOUR TEXT HERE’.